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Theater Marquee Lights


 We are thrilled to host our 2nd ANNUAL honoring Ten Minute plays from playwrights around the world. Last year was a huge success and people on the Peninsula are already excited for Playfest 24! There are 8 plays chosen from a panel of Soapbox Stageworks readers, who are seasoned playwrights, performers, and directors. This is an audience driven contest- They decide who wins first, second, and third place! And, this year we are excited to donate 10% of all of our proceeds to Arts Council for Monterey County!


Playfest 24 will be October 24th & 25th, at the Wave Street Studios in Monterey!

Doors open at 6:30pm for a cocktail reception.


Purchase tickets for Oct. 24th here!

Purchase tickets for October 25th here!


If you'd like to perform in Playfest 24, check our Auditions Page for more information!


The plays to be performed are:


1.Night Light by Donald Loftus. 

2.The Art of Marriage  by Brad White 

3. The High Road by Seth Freeman

4. Southern Bells- by K Devaney 

5.A Ring is Round by Lindsey Brown 

6. The Visit by Isabell Zamaroni

7. Conduct by Randy Warren 

8. Morning Coffee by Susan Lerner 

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